The Bart’s Bash of 2016 will be taking place on September 17 and 18 in Belize. The organizers of the event have decided to make full use of the weekend of conducting a regatta race on 17 September and a sailing Bart’s Bash on September 18.

Sailors from all over the world take part in this Bart’s Bash sailing race. They will come in a wide range of sailboats that you can ever imagine to add color and spectacle to the sailing event.
The Bart’s Bash started in the year 2014 and it has been recognized as the largest boat race event in the sailing history by the Guinness Book of World Records, with many companies like Dubrovnik Yacht Charter giving away their yachts for free for the day to help the effort. What started as a one day all encompassing event has now moved on and is now conducted as an all-on-the-same weekend sailing event. This year’s Bart’s Bash should entertain more boats than the previous two years. This means you can see more than 16,000 boats take part in the sailboat race. Continue reading “3rd Belize Bart’s Bash”